A blog of whimsy and hopeful serendipity


Friday, July 29, 2011


SPOTLIGHT ON: TrannyTrinkets

Stephanie is a SoCal girl who loves making jewelry. In her words-

“My shop is a hobby gone wild. I could not find jewelry for myself that fit well. So I just started making my own. Taking classes and learning new things. My goal is to make affordable jewelry using silver, gem stones, glass and beads. I love to solder things too. I gladly take custom orders. Just ask!”

I received my order from her just today, and let me tell you, each item is GORGEOUS! I can't wait to wear them.

Her items range from $2 to $35 and include all sorts of gems and goodies- including pin-up girl pendants (blush).

Here's one of my favorite items:

I almost bought it, but I decided on this instead:

So now you see how beautiful her items are, I'm sure you're excited to hear our next raffle comes from her shop!

http://www.etsy.com/listing/78692751/reserved-for-bnr-raffle?ref=tre-507371664-2 She's offering your choice of any $5 pair of earrings in her store. YOUR CHOICE! Ain't it grand?

How to? Here you go:
I was going to ask y'all to convo me, but instead I'll have you bring the info here. What I need you to do is to go to my facebook page's wall ( www.facebook.com/elspethswhimsy ) and look at the posts I've made. One post has a picture of fruit, another has a picture of a sea creature. I want you to come back here and tell me what fruit and what sea creature they are. Okay?

You have 15 minutes.


EDIT: Due to it being suppertime and all, I'm extending the cutoff to 5:45pm EST.


  1. I think people went off to dinner...?

  2. Ummm...it's possible, but I'm still here.

    And it's watermellon and seastar.

  3. Hrm... I'll give it until 5:45. That's when the next one starts and it should give people a little time to munch. :-)

  4. Hee...I guess most people do actually eat at the table. Unlike me...leftover Chinese next to me at a tray table in the livingroom. ;-P
    *gives Lys eggroll*

  5. Ooooooh! Thanks!

    Of course, now I want a real one *glares darkly*


    I don't even know what I'm doing for dinner. All I've eaten today is some cheese fries.

  6. Heee hee.... Go eat something more nutritious!
    That's probably why you're not feeling good. (yes in reference to your FB post)
