A blog of whimsy and hopeful serendipity


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Arr, 'Tis Sad Indeed...

Some bad news, me hearties.
I had planned to have a grand party this weekend, to celebrate International Talk Like A Pirate Day, but alas, life has caught up with me. Between fast-approaching deadlines and personal crises, I regret to say that the party has been cancelled.

HOWEVER, I had so much fun at our last one that I'm still planning to do another. Not sure when yet, but it'll happen. :-)
And maybe I'll make it pirate themed, too.


  1. I thought Pirate Day was in September...

  2. So did I. I thought it was just before Hobbit Day (22 September). In fact, I was going to suggest you have a Hobbit-themed party in September (if that could work with your products).

  3. I looked it up... it is September 19.
    You could still have the Pirate party!
