A blog of whimsy and hopeful serendipity


Friday, August 19, 2011

What happens when a pirate tries math...

In answer to comments, yes, Pirate Day IS in September, but I put it on my calendar for August. *headdesk*

So... it may yet happen. But that's smack dab between moving day and the renaissance festival, so I can't make promises.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Arr, 'Tis Sad Indeed...

Some bad news, me hearties.
I had planned to have a grand party this weekend, to celebrate International Talk Like A Pirate Day, but alas, life has caught up with me. Between fast-approaching deadlines and personal crises, I regret to say that the party has been cancelled.

HOWEVER, I had so much fun at our last one that I'm still planning to do another. Not sure when yet, but it'll happen. :-)
And maybe I'll make it pirate themed, too.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Raffle BNR!

Such a crazy day I'm having!

Those of you who enjoyed the party I had here a few weeks back will like this:

I’m helping Irihana spread the word this morning about the opening of our team's Back to School Raffle BNR! Tons of prizes and lots of great stuff – come on over with a few dollars and join the fun! Raffle drawings every hour until over $500 in goodies are given away!

If you don't have an Etsy shop, no problem! After you buy just tell them you want me to take the open spot.

Devious Bwahaha and all that.

(Yes, it's legal)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's been awhile...

I've been getting a lot of chatter about my TARDIS bags lately. Some of you are wondering when (or if) there will be any more for sale.

The Answer Is...


But I have some things to do first. Right now I'm working on Assassin's Creed costumes. About the time they're done, I'll be moving to a new location. But once the dust settles (and I cozy up in my new, improved workspace!) I'll be setting to work on another run of them. I already have 3 advance orders (possibly more), so if you want one reserved for you, leave me a comment or message me on Etsy. I have a special folder in my inbox, just for advance orders on things.

If you're not yet sure, don't worry. I'm guaranteeing to have at least one that is not on reserve. You just have to get there first. ;-)