A blog of whimsy and hopeful serendipity


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hey, what are you doing here?

What, can't a girl blog on her holiday?

I'm currently visiting the Penslayer and Co.
Poor Co. probably gets tired of being constantly associated with said Penslayer, but that's the way it goes.

Today we are off to the used bookstore. Can I stand it? Can I go in and not buy ANYTHING? I honestly don't know. But I've worked hard to save money for this week, and I don't want to blow it all at the beginning. Still, there are a few titles I've been trying to find, and if they have them, I'll probably purchase. The sad thing about liking old books is so many of them are out of print. And then to find matching editions is another thing entirely. Which is why my bookshelf is extremely untidy and wibbly wobbly. I buy the editions I can find, whatever condition, size, or shape.

Well. The Penslayer is coming to pick me up in less than an hour and I have neither armed myself with pretty clothes nor with food. I am contemplating my vintage hat, though...

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